Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sophie BLOG 03

Coucou !

Alors ça fait longtemps que je ne vous ai pas donné de nouvelles ! Bon, j’aimerais bien avoir un peu plus de questions ou de messages ! La création est un échange, alors please soyez un peu plus réceptifs et non plus seulement passif devant votre écran à la pause café !


Petite idée de cadeau pour une copine qui adore les bambous ! J’ai retravaillé une reproduction avec un gel acrylique et un peu de matière dorée, afin de donner du relief et surtout ne pas mettre de verre. Pour le cadre, comme d’habitude, je suis partie d’une base en bois brute que j’ai essayé de travailler dans l’esprit.


Les orchidées…J’ai essayé de trouver l’harmonie entre les couleurs.J’imagine bien celui ci dans une salle de bain !


Mon préféré ! Le cadre disparaît et devient la continuité de l’œuvre !Très sympa sur un mur patiné à la chaux !!


C’est bientôt, alors une création ! Hymme à l’amour, à la tendresse au romantisme…


Un village, une ville, des maisons quelques part avec des couleurs, des fondus qui me rappellent l’Afrique. La terre, la boue…la poussière, le ciel tourmenté….La chaleur…

Contrairement à la plupart des artistes peintres, je n’ai pas encore trouvé un style…Aujourd’hui, j’aime créer en fonction d’une idée ou d’un sujet. Tel un sujet de philo qui demanderait une longue dissertation , j’aime laisser aller mon imagination au gré des demandes, des sujets.

Alors, si vous avez des idées, des thèmes, n’hésitez pas à me les soumettre.Je serai très heureuse de faire fonctionner mon imagination !

A bientôt

Friday, October 27, 2006

Sophie BLOG 02

Coucou !

Enfin, j’ai pris le temps de ranger toutes les affaires dont ma petite maman se servait pour peindre et dessiner !

Voici, déjà deux ans qu’elle s'est eteinte, foudroyée par un cancer de l’œsophage ! Elle a eu une fin de vie horrible, mais peut être qu’un jour je développerait ce sujet, sur la maladie, la souffrance aussi bien physique que psychologique, l’accompagnement vers la fin…

Ce fut pour moi, une experience « cauchemardesque » mais aujourd’hui avec le recul, je réalise que ce fut riche d’émotions , de compréhension et de sagesse !

Alors, aujourd’hui, quel plaisir de pouvoir utiliser ses pinceaux, ses peintures …A aucun moment lorsqu’elle peignait et que je la regardait, je ne mettais imaginée qu’un jour je serais moi aussi heureuse de créer et de jouer avec mon imagination, bel héritage !

J’ai trouvé dans une brocante un vieux cadre à 1 euro ! J’ai eu envie de délirer avec des vieux papiers déchirés et quelques couleurs. Mon cadre terminé va acceuillir un miroir.

Dans un style plus classique, j’ai transformé un cadre doré qui brillait façon toc en vieux cadre aux couleurs de la Hongrie !

Un copain me demande de trouver une idée pour encadrer une vielle affiche des années 50 trouvée aux puces. Dans le style des cadres des vielles ardoises en bois !Je fabrique un cadre en bois brut, le vieilli et surtout pour donner le petit plus, je scie les quatre angles ! Voici le résultat.

Une amie cherche depuis des mois dans tous les magasins de décoration les plus branchés, un miroir original par sa forme. Assez du fer forgé, assez des cadres aux lignes régulières. Après différents croquis, j’ai pu réaliser pour elle, son miroir, unique.Il est aux couleurs de son salon à la taille voulu et les lignes reprennent le design de sa bibliothèque ! Voici le résultat.

J’ai une amie passionnée de Salsa. Pour son anniversaire, j’ai eu l’idée de lui encadrer une affiche représentant un couple en train de danser – Bien évidemment, j’ai jouer sur le thème et j’ai essayé de créer un cadre unique en souvenir du festival de cet éte ou nous nous étions éclatées !!!

A bientôt pour d’autres idées, si vous avez des questions …n’hésitez pas !

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sophie BLOG 01

Je voudrais vous faire partager une très belle aventure que je vis depuis trois ans !!!
Après avoir été durant de longues années dans le journalisme et les relations publiques sur Paris, j’ai décidé de partir vivre sur la côte d’azur ! Certes, nous avons une magnifique qualité de vie mais sur le plan professionnel, les débouchés sont nettement différents ! Bref, je me bouge et change complètement de direction et devient commerciale dans l’immobilier.
Youpi, mon compte en banque se porte bien mais mon sens artistique, créatif…sommeil !
Jusqu’au soir de mes 40 ans, où la rencontre arriva, tralala ! Je sympathise avec un professionnel de l’encadrement ! Non pas l’encadrement, « management », non le basic encadreur de tableaux, de photos, de lithos….

De toute ma vie, je ne mettais jamais interessée à cet artisanat, d’ailleurs chez moi les toiles étaient accrochées directement sur les murs sans aucun cadre. Et me voici parachutée, la pratique et la théorie deviennent vite mon quotidien. Baguettes, passe-partout, marie-louise, biseaux, réhausses…deviennent mon vocabulaire de chaque instant. La visseuse, le marteau, les pinces, les pinceaux ne deviennent plus d’étranges outils venus de nulle part mais de fidèles compagnons de route ! Alors, je suis tombée dedans à 1000 pourcent, prenant un réel plaisir à conseiller les clients, trouver la meilleure solution pour mettre en beauté et conserver toutes ces oeuvres qui nous sont confiées avec délicatesse . Dans la grande majorité des cas, il s’agit de souvenirs de vavances, d’héritages de famille, de dessins d’enfants, de photos retrouvées au fond d’un grenier …

Biensûr, j’ encadre aussi des toiles d’artistes ou de splendides lithos, mais ce qui est émouvant, c’est de contribuer, à conserver et à embellir ces traces d’affection, d’amour, ces tranches de vie !! Quoi de plus important que les souvenirs, notre vécue, nos amours aussi bien familliaux, amicaux ou amoureux ! Vous comprendrez pourquoi, cette rencontre est la chance de ma vie, car je suis heureuse aujourd’hui d’excerser un métier qui me permet d’être à l’écoute,
de conseiller, de créer et de réaliser. Au vue de toutes les différentes possibilités, mon sens artistique et créatif s’est enfin réveillé, ouf ! En effet, malgrès les 1500 modèles que je propose , il m’arrive souvent d’être obligée de créer un cadre sur mesure. C’est ainsi que j’ai développé mon travail de création .

Et là, tout est permis…Collage de papiers, création et peinture peintes sur le bois, découpage de formes. Afin de mieux vous en parler, je vais vous faire découvrir quelques créations avec les détails de réalisations. Une cliente me demande une idée cadeau pour mettre dans une cuisine . Nous choisissons une reproduction assez rigolote, c’est pourquoi on ne pouvait pas mettre un cadre traditionnel. Je me sert d’une base de bois brut, de papiers journaux et je joue en reprenant le sujet de base. Une fois fini, le sujet et son cadre ne forme plus qu’un seul objet très déco !

Cette fois une idée de transformation. Nous avons tout d’abord un cadre en bois naturel, un fond en toile de jûte et au centre , une très jolie feuille séchée . Le tout néanmoins très jolie, n’est plus au goût client. La demande est la suivante, redonner de la couleur, dans un style « hippies, inde… » Carte blanche sur le délire…Voici la photo avant et après transformation. Tout ça pour dire, qu’on peut parfois s’amuser à relooker un vieux cadre, un vieux miroir, une vieille chaise…

Pourquoi un cadre serait toujours ou souvent carré ou rectangulaire ! Voici quelques exemples où je me suis amusée !

Pleins d’idées pour nos amours de chérubins ! Soit pour décorer leur chambre

Soit personnalisé pour un anniversaire

Soit une mise en valeur de leur dessin

On joue le déco à fond quand il s’agit souvent de toiles achetées à Cuba ou en Afrique, je met les couleurs en avant…

Thursday, July 06, 2006

What are the advantages of custom framing?

Why should I pay extra for a custom picture frame, when I can buy a ready-made frame at the local discount store?

This is a good question, for which the normal answer is that there are many times when a mass produced picture frame is appropriate. However, when you want to prepare your fine art or treasured heirlooms for display, custom framing is the best answer. A creatively finished custom frame will display artwork, mats, molding, and other elements to create a presentation that is unique, that complements your personality, and enhances your home or office. It is a personal creation that you will never find in a department, discount, or furniture store. Your beautiful fine art, needlework, special personal memorabilia, wedding photographs & invitations, or hard-earned certificates should be framed in a manner that does them justice, and prevents their deterioration over time. Your custom framed artwork is a permanent investment in the decoration of your home, which will outlast many of your other accessories. It is more personalized than most of your other furnishings. We at Autour de l'Art will recommend the best design techniques, and colour coordination to make the framing itself a work of art.

Why are matting combinations important?

There are many special design treatments that can be applied to your custom framing job. Some of these are: French mats, carved mats, embossed mats, inlayed mats, V-grooved mats, and etched glass. All of these techniques can result in a unique custom framing job, but their use must be selected carefully to ensure that they enhance, rather than detract from your artwork. Usually, one or two of these embellishments applied in concert, will really create a novel work of art.


From an aesthetics point of view, the mats provide several design qualities that enhance your artwork. One or more mats can provide depth, width and colour to your framed art. Two or more mats remove the flatness, giving your framed piece a three-dimensional look. This enhances any depth that the artist intended to create in the original work. Your artwork needs some space around it to prevent distractions from the surrounding wall treatment. Mats provide this space, allowing your art to be seen clearly. Matboards now come in hundreds of colors, textures and appearances. The choice of mat colors can be used to achieve several benefits. Carefully chosen mats can often enhance the artwork, while providing a transition to the room’s decor. Fabric mats can be used to add texture to your art. Mats covered in silk or smooth linen achieve elegance if your decoration is more formal. Some of our customers change their mats when they change their decor, to maintain the coordination of their artwork. A discussion of matting options would not be complete without mentioning quality options.

Today, there are three main options – there are paper mats and rag mats are available in a full range of colors. The third option are archival mats, which are a blend of rag and paper, but which have been treated to remove most of the acid, lignins and other impurities. These mats are suitable for matting all but the most valuable artwork, and they come in a huge variety of colors and textures.


Can I order special designs?

There are many special design treatments that can be applied to your custom framing job. Some of these are: French mats, carved mats, embossed mats, inlayed mats, V-grooved mats, and etched glass. All of these techniques can result in a unique custom framing job, but their use must be selected carefully to ensure that they enhance, rather than detract from your artwork. Usually, one or two of these embellishments applied in concert, will really create a novel work of art.

How do I select a frame?

The frame provides structural strength to enable you to cover your art with glass or acrylic and to hang it. But the colour, style and texture of the moulding add its own ingredient to the recipe of your custom-framed art. We have a huge variety of mouldings available(over 10,000), but your choice should coordinate with the art, the mats, and the particular effect you desire to achieve. For example, a bamboo-like moulding is great for oriental work, or a “Marie-Louise” inlay works well for European art. Mouldings made from natural woods and finishes are often used to coordinate with similar wood furnishings and to provide a “simple elegance” to the art. Mouldings can be used in combination to build a truly unique frame that will add additional width and color to your custom-framed art. A fillet, a narrow moulding inlaid inside the mat, coordinated with the frame moulding can be used to provide an inspired multi-dimensional look to your art. The possibilities are nearly endless, but we can help you choose the best combination for your very own presentation.The frame must be cut and assembled carefully to ensure tight corners and structural strength. Frames with bold, deeply embossed designs cannot always be cut so that the patterns match together at the corners. This is so because there is no industry-wide mathematical correlation between design spacing and even standard frame dimensions, much less the infinite sizes available in custom framing. In these cases, it is sometimes necessary to fill the patterns at the corner seams and blend the colors so the mismatch is not noticeable

Artencadrement 006

Do you have suggestions for mounting 3-D objects?

Three dimensional objects present no problem to our experienced team. There is a way to encase everything from WWII military medals for your grandfather, sport jerseys, baby shoes, vacation souvenirs, or a china doll for your daughter. A shadow box can be very simple or it can incorporate rich fabrics and woods for a superbly elegant effect. Heirloom plates, spoon collections, coin collections, medals, and antique pistols are some examples of items that can be displayed in shadow boxes. Larger items, such as dolls, or an autographed football require display cases. Your design consultant can determine the best way to display and protect just about any object in a shadowbox


Do you do needlework/tapestry framing?

Needlework includes all needlework, embroidery, crossstich, and crewel, whether they be from kits or original designs. Tapestries include hand woven rugs, handmade quilts, and batiks. Since these articles represent a considerable investment of skill and time, it is very important that they be displayed and protected from damage. There are many ways to display these items, and each may require special treatment to bring out the best in the work and to ensure its preservation.

Do you provide mirror framing?

We can build a mirror frame to fit in perfectly with your decoration. A mirror can be cut and framed to fit any place, to within a quarter inch. Department stores or furniture stores may be limited to only certain sizes or styles of mirrors, whereas, we have a whole range of sizes from which you can select. We carry over 10,000 mouldings so you'll be sure to find the perfect combination

What is conservation glass and when do I need it?

First, let’s discuss the need. All sunlight and some artificial light contain an invisible electromagnetic component called ultraviolet (UV) light. These light waves are much shorter than visible light and contain more energy (the same energy that causes you to sunburn). This higher energy creates a greater degree of heat and causes more rapid deterioration of the molecular structure of the pigments used in printing. Conservation glass should be used whenever you are framing sentimental, valuable, limited edition and one-of-a-kind artwork. Conservation glass is clear glass (preferably float glass) to which an ultraviolet (UV) inhibiting film has been applied. Conservation glass blocks about 97 percent of the UV rays, compared to 46 to 50 percent blocked by regular clear and non-glare glass

What should I use to clean my picture framing glass?

Most commercial window cleaners are good for cleaning framing glass. Avoid all-purpose cleaners, disinfectants, or any cleaner that contains pumice, waxes, or harsh detergents. If your frame contains conservation glass, you should avoid using anything with ammonia (note that some commercial glass cleaners do contain ammonia). Windows cleaners with vinegar or vinegar-D work great, and tests indicate that they are safe for any glass. There are several new types of glass coatings coming on the market which make require special care. We will provide specific instructions for these special cases. You should always spray the cleaner on the cloth, then wipe the glass. Otherwise, if you spray directly on the glass, the liquid is likely to run down between the frame and glass, and could eventually wick up the framing package to the artwork

Ten things to know before framing your picture:

  1. What and why to custom frame. - Whether you are framing a poster, your kid's handprints, or a fine work of art, custom framing will reflect your personal taste and protect your piece for years to come

  2. Consider the surroundings. - While you should certainly consider the room's decor, you shouldn't match the frame to the room at the expense of what looks good with the picture. Keep in mind that the room decor may change in the future

  3. Choose matting to enhance your artwork. - Matting is the term used to describe the "window-cut" material placed around an image within a frame. They can be made of a variety of materials such as paper, cotton and fabric in a wide range of colors. Mats serve as a spacer allowing the artwork to expand and contract with changes in humidity. Matting makes the overall size of the finished piece larger and provides a space for the eyes to rest between the art and the frame

  4. An ounce of prevention. - Many times cherished art is damaged prior to arriving at the frame shop because it is improperly stored or transported. If it's a rolled piece such as a poster, serious damage can be caused by rubber bands, tape, paperclips and even a gentle squeeze. Make sure that the artwork is placed in a folder, protective covering , or a tube. To prevent accidental damage, allow us to remove the artwork from its packaging

  5. It's all in the details. - Consider adding another detail. Fillets, beveled mat treatments, creative window openings, specialty paper or fabric mats can add a distinctive flair to your artwork. We are familiar with these options, and can help you decide what works best with your item. Sometimes it's the smallest element in framing your artwork that makes it stand out.

  6. Choose the best frame to enhance your art. - There are thousands of different frame styles and sizes that come in a variety of stains, glazes, and finishes. Let us help you select the frame that best suits your artwork and have it made to your exact specifications

  7. Archival materials protect your art. - Some common framing materials such as paper mats and cardboard contain acid that will gradually destroy your art, and these materials are not used by Get The Picture. Using archival mats and backing boards will help protect art from the damaging effects of time and from common pollutants that cause yellowing, fading and deterioration.

  8. Mounting your artwork properly. - The dry and wet mounting processes bond artwork to a board to prevent artwork from bubbling or waving and are most appropriate for posters and photographs. Pieces of any value are generally not dry or wet mounted since these processes are irreversible and can greatly affect any resale value. Museum mounting, commonly known as hinging, attaches the art with paper hinges to the board. The art hangs freely, allowing it to expand or contract with changes in humidity. Hinging or archival photo corners are recommended for original artwork, delicate photographic's, and other irreplaceable items.

  9. Choose glazing to protect your artwork. - Glazing refers to the glass or acrylic material covering the artwork as a means of protection. There are many variations including regular clear glass, anti-reflective (chemically coated), non-glare (acid etched) and conservation glass (specially formulated to help filter UV light). There are also acrylic glazing products that come in the non-glare and UV filtering varieties. Acrylic is lighter in weight and is safer than glass but requires a soft cloth and a non-abrasive cleanser. It is ideal for oversized pieces, frames hanging in children's rooms, or items to be shipped

  10. Find the right framer - A good framer will help you with all the decisions that go into properly framing your picture. Quality framers have years of experience with preservation framing and design using a variety of materials and methods. For outstanding customer service and the latest products, design theories, and techniques, you can rely on Autour de l'Art for excellent service

  1. Art Lover Says:
    Bonjour,Votre site est très intéressant, nous avons besoin de beaucoup de la discussion comme ça sur ligne.Comment vous pouvez faire les cadres sans passe-partout pour des photos?
On peut encadrer une photo sans passe-partout pourquoi pas, mais en tant que professionnelle je ne le conseille pas. L'encadrement est une mise en valeur mais surtout une technique de conservation. Un verre ne doit jamais être en contact direct avec l'oeuvre encore moins si il s'agit d'une photo, la gélatine risque de se coller sur le verre! Maintenant si il s'agit d'une simple reproduction papier( poster) aucun problème.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

When you have arrived at a point in your life where you have more time on your hands to reflect than to use; you are ready to indulge your imagination a bit.

Normally, people will turn to all the art and artists whose creations they have surrounded themselves with all their lives; but that is limiting your own horizon too much. Don't concede defeat without joining a fight first; you'll never know the results until you have tried!

We are lucky to live on the Côte d'Azur where art galleries and museums abound. However, it's not easy to find ideas to spark you off on the trail to becoming your own artist; dabbling in the subject you personally like without having to ask an art expert for his or her comments. Go to the following link to start the journey for ideas; it will make your life easier:-,en/

For example, if you like b&w photography; you can visit the 2 following websites to gain some ideas about subject matter to help you formulate your own private 'collection' of photos that is sought after by commercial & private buyers. Who knows, your photos may become something more valuable than just a hobby. Unfortunately, most people just need a little pointer from the professionals who know:-

We would like to talk to like-minded peole from ALL over the world about our favourite subject; "Create Your Own Art". Please send your email to join the discussion soon!